In Kentucky, many laws and requirements exist for operating a limousine or bus company. If you’re planning to hire one of these companies it is very important to know if the company you are hiring is legal, it’s not only important that the company is legal for them but also because if you hire a limo company that is not property permitted you are breaking the law yourself!

If You’re Renting a Limo in Kentucky, Here’s What to Know to Keep Your Family Safe
To make sure you’re hiring a legal limo in Kentucky you should look for 6 things, we have listed those 6 things below with photo examples from our most popular SUV limousines which as you can see is 100% legal.
#1 Make sure the company name is clearly marked on the limousine.
If a company is doing everything by the books they have no reason not to advertise their company. No company markings could mean there is no company at all.

#2 Make sure the limousine has a license plate on the front of the vehicle, begins with “LM”, these are required by the department of transportation and are only issued to companies that…
- Has registered the limousine company with the Kentucky Secretary of States office.
- Has the state-required Form E uniform motor carrier bodily injury and property damage liability certificate of insurance?
- Has received a USDOT number by the US Department of Transportation.
- Has had an automotive service technician certified by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence(ASE) to annually inspect each vehicle and complete the Vehicle Inspection form annually.
- Has had a criminal background check for each owner, official, employee, independent contractor, or agent operating a passenger vehicle.
- The Exception: If the limousine capacity is 16 or more passengers that vehicle require a KY BUS tag instead of the limo tag.

#3 Make sure the limousine has a USDOT number clearly visible on both sides of the limousine.
It is a federal requirement that all limousines display DOT identification numbers on both sides of the vehicle.
You can check the status of any federally authorized limousine by entering their USDOT number at

#4 Make sure the limousine has an airport permit on the front passenger side window if you are being picked up from the airport.
The Louisville Regional Airport Authority (LRAA) is an autonomous municipal corporation established by KY state statute that is responsible for owning, operating and developing Louisville International Airport (SDF) and Bowman Field (LOU). They require each limousine to be checked and approved, only then will a Louisville Airport Authority sticker be issued. Without this, your transportation can and will be sent away leaving you standing by the curb. Beware of companies that ask you to meet them at another location at the airport!

#5 If a limousine holds 16 or more passengers, it is required to have KY BUS tags.
In Kentucky, any vehicle that can carry 16 or more passengers is required to apply for and maintain a “Bus Authority”. A CDL driver and additional insurance are also required when a limousine is registered as a bus. Because of these extra requirements, and costs for larger limousines some companies are not in full compliance with this Kentucky law. Beware of companies that advertise limousines carrying 16+ and did not obtain a KY BUS license tag.

#6 A Party Bus is required to have KY BUS tags.
In Kentucky, a bus is required to apply for and maintain a “Bus Authority”. A CDL driver and additional insurance are also required when registered as a bus. If you rent a vehichle that seats under 16 passengers you are not renting a party bus at all, these smaller units would be calssified as vans and need the limo tag instead of the bus tag in the frout. Be careful and dont end up with a “Party Van” instead of a real “Party Bus”! Because of these extra requirements, and costs for party buses some companies are not in full compliance with this Kentucky law. Beware of companies that advertise party buses carrying less than 16 and make sure the over 16 passenger buses has a KY BUS license tag.

As you can see above Derby City Limousines is fully licensed and insured to federal and state standards. we not only say we are, we also provide proof with photos and links to verify. This is a big deal because in Kentucky over half of all limousine operators are not properly licensed and insured, some operate without proper safety inspections, licensing and insurance for the vehicles, and some have chauffeurs that do not even possess a driver’s license. We have been seeing this in our industry for many years in Kentucky.
So don’t break the law yourself by accidentally hiring an unlicenced underinsured limo company according to KRS 281.615